2023 - 2024

Annual Report

Electrofishing in Deer Creek

The Cooperative Research Units Program is a unique collaborative relationship among federal and state agencies, universities, and a non-profit organization.

The tripartite mission of the Cooperative Research Units Program is:

  1. Train graduate students for professional careers in natural-resource research and management.
  2. Conduct research that will create new information useful for natural-resource management.
  3. Provide technical assistance on application and integration of new science.

The Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit embraces the mission of the Cooperative Research Units Program and contributes daily to the overall success of the Cooperative Research Units Program.

Featured Student

Our students are involved in a wide variety of research, including diversity in ecological functions, invasive species, and habitats of various animals.

View Our Students

Braxton Newkirk

M.S. Candidate, Fisheries

Braxton Newkirk

Featured Research Project

Pallid Sturgeon biology in Platte River and its tributaries

The Pallid Sturgeon is a U.S. Threatened species that primarily inhabits the Missouri River and lower Mississippi rivers. Ongoing work in the main stems of large rivers has provided much critical information regarding the biology and ecology of the species.

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Chris Pullano and Jenna Ruoss holding recently tagged female Pallid Sturgeon.
