The distribution and abundance of prairie-river fishes is maintained through demographic processes that occur over multiple scales embedded within a habitat matrix. Degradation of the habitat matrix in rivers, however, can limit completion of demographic processes (e.g., recruitment and movement) that may exacerbate the time for recolonization or permanently reduce their distribution and abundance. A major limitation exists, however, due to a lack of understanding of fish-habitat relationships at multiple spatial and temporal scales for many SGCN. A prominent question that remains unanswered includes 1) what habitat features at different spatial scales promote the presence of a species? This research is being conducted with support from and in collaboration with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. This study will set the stage for future work assessing fish-habitat relations by identifying locations most likely to contain species of interest. Benefits from this study may also feed data into the Nebraska Conservation and Environmental Review Tool (CERT), commonly used as a review for proposed projects and potential impacts within areas of at-risk species presence.
This study will set the stage for future work assessing fish-habitat relations by identifying locations most likely to contain species of interest.

Graduate Student(s)
- Braxton Newkirk, M.S.
- Joseph Spooner, M.S.
Project Coordinator(s)
Jonathan Spurgeon
Project Duration
August 2022 - December 2025
Project Location
Niobrara River Basin, Nebraska