The Rainwater Basin Joint Venture’s (RWBJV) mission includes science–based conservation efforts for all priority bird habitats throughout Nebraska’s mixed–grass prairie region. The Management Board of the RWBJV is committed to implementing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Strategic Habitat Conservation model. This science–based model requires a commitment of resources and time to develop a strong biological foundation for delivering conservation planning and designing research and monitoring efforts. To fulfill this commitment, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln hired Bradly Thornton as the RWBJV Science Coordinator. This position is the product of a partnership between the RWBJV, the Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln School of Natural Resources.
Current Status
As science coordinator, Bradly works with RWBJV science staff to develop models and decision support tools that help identify areas where conservation is most likely to benefit migratory birds and wildlife. In addition, Bradly helps monitor and evaluate the success of ongoing and past habitat conservation projects, collaborating with researchers from various federal, regional, and state conservation organizations.

Project Coordinator
Bradly Thornton
Project Duration
July 2023 - June 2026
Rainwater Basin Joint Venture
Project Location
Statewide Nebraska